The Relationship Between American Football And Religion

Creator: Erin Costa 

The National Football League is one of the most significant sports leagues today. It is a vast platform and has a considerable reach. It means the players, coaches, and owners can express their thoughts to a large audience. Religion is a massive part of our world. There is a fascinating relationship between the NFL and Religion.

The Mental Side Of It

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In sport, there has been a strong correlation between successful athletes and a belief in God. From Muhammed Ali to Patrick Mahomes who are very successful. Their religion gives them the foundation to be their best selves. It gives athletes a sense of optimism even if they have had a poor performance. Furthermore, it is easy for a sportsperson to get caught up in all the fame. Yet, this is when religious athletes will lean on their faith. It is because most religions teach about humility and staying grounded. You can find a quote that has this message in Colossians 3:12.

" God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience."


When it comes to training, religion can play a big part in achieving the ultimate level of performance. It is because every religion has a routine of some sort. Taking the Islamic faith, for example, there is an essential routine to the belief. Muslims must pray five times daily and go to the Mosque every Friday. Catholics must attend church on Sundays and holy days of obligation. People of faith are in that routine for a lifetime. It means religious athletes can adjust better to a training schedule.

Fasting And Sport

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There are other aspects to think about when it comes to religion and sport. Food and nutrition are a massive part of sports. It is because what goes into your body plays a huge role in performing at your best. Religions such as Islam and Christianity need days when people must fast. For example, during Ramadan, you have a strict fast for daylight hours. It means that you can't have food or water during the day. Athletes who take part in Ramadan do so having to play in big games. Former Kansas City Chiefs and Minnesota Vikings safety Husain Abdullah participated in Ramadan. Abdullah has spoken about the adjustments he had to make during Ramadan. He gave his thoughts on the situation in an interview with Buzzfeed.

"I adjusted my diet, workouts, and sleep schedule while playing in the NFL. It took a lot of preparation, but Allah guided me through."

NFL And Religion

America is a Christian country, which translates to the NFL. Many of the players in the league are Christians. You can feel a real sense of community within the NFL, which has something to do with faith. It is because most religions preach the idea of community. The reason is that you get a strong feeling of togetherness if you go to worship. Most likely, many NFL players grew up going to church because it is the faith of America.

Spreading The Word

Due to the NFL's popularity, most players are role models. On religion, players like Mahomes and Jalen Hurts are religious. Furthermore, they have a massive platform. Where they can share their faith and express their thoughts. It means that they can show the people around the world their faith. DK Metcalf has spoken about using his platform to spread the message.

" I view football as a platform to help others or spread the word of God." He adds, "I put my faith in God, my trust in God, and he's blessed me daily to play the game.

Quotes via Movie Guide

The NFL and religion will always go hand in hand due to the nature of the NFL. Too this, it will influence the way people think.



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